will demonstrate that virtually every current belief system that
delves into the origins and development of humanity is full of
untruths and distortions that serve to keep the reality of human
origins concealed."
Humanity's Extraterrestrial Origins
Arthur David Horn, Ph.D.
David Horn received his Ph.D. degree from Yale University in 1976,
majoring in biological anthropology. After graduating, he taught the same
subject for fourteen years as a professor at Colorado State University.
In 1988, he met a woman from California who was an alternate-minded/spiritual individual. That synchronicity changed his life and
perspective dramatically.
After a great deal of research and reflection, Dr. Horn realized that the belief
systems we have been taught regarding the origins of our physical bodies are not true. Rather,
they serve an agenda that, for the most part, Western religious
institutions and governments have propagated for their own selfish
purposes, and to control the minds of the masses.
When Dr. Horn realized this, he felt a deep need to retain a sense of
personal and professional integrity, and resigned from his professorship. He simply could not teach
the establishment's views of humanity's physical origins to his students anymore.
He then wrote the above mentioned book while living a simple life in Mt.
Shasta, CA with his wife. And, he has done an outstanding job of it.
have a great deal of admiration for people like this. It's not easy to
step outside consensus reality and walk away from one's "previous"
life. Especially after having spent years of hard work obtaining a Ph.D.
Building upon his extensive knowledge of evolutionary patterns and
forces, Dr. Horn tells us there were unexplained sudden jumps or explosions in the
distant past, which caused new categories of life forms to appear,
including pre-humans.
Furthermore, there have been instances in which various life forms have
appeared simultaneously, or in parallel with one another, rather than in
a gradual step-by-step fashion, as is usually the case with evolution.
These mysterious bursts and simultaneous jumps in evolution cannot
be explained by today's scientific theories, including Darwinism.
Rather, it's as though an otherworldly force influenced these natural
processes by speeding up what would normally take millions of years to
unfold. And, this applies to the physical bodies we, as spirits, occupy
Dr. Horn looks back over the sequence of pre-human physical forms that
began to appear 4-5 million years ago. Once again there were the same
mysterious jumps in form and appearance that sped up the emergence of our current physical
bodies. These spurts cannot be explained by current theories of
evolution. It appears that off planet forces sped things up
rather than letting nature take its course. The question is why?
The Sumerians
These same sudden jumps in evolutionary time can also be found
with past civilizations. For example, the Sumerian civilization, which
appeared approximately 5000 years ago in the area of what we know
today as southern Iraq, left us many archaeological remains to study.
Dr. Horn points out that the Sumerians did not gradually evolve into existence. Rather, their
civilization appeared overnight complete with mathematics, language,
irrigation systems, farming, writing, and an extensive knowledge of the
heavens. Who helped them with this?
The people of Sumer were not
primitive bushmen as we have been led to believe. Amazingly, one of
their pictorial drawings (below) show that the planets in our solar system
revolve around the sun; something we discovered just 500 years ago.
Furthermore, the Sumerians were aware of the distant planets in our solar system: Pluto, Neptune,
and Uranus, which cannot be seen with the naked eye. And, they knew that Neptune had water on it! How did they
know this?
the same drawing depicting their celestial knowledge, the Sumerians also include
a 12th planet in our solar system. Could this be the mysterious Planet
the below image made approximately 5000 years ago by the Sumerians, one can see
our solar system with twelve planets revolving around the sun.
Zecharia Sitchin
Horn also goes into detail describing the remarkable research work of
Zecharia Sitchin, and his
interpretations of Sumerian writings and artifacts.
Mr. Sitchin's book,
The 12th Planet (in its 45th printing, translated into 23 languages,
millions of copies sold), tells a very credible story of how the
Annunaki from the 12th planet (Nibiru) in our solar system created the
forerunners of the Sumerians, and then interacted with their descendents
more than 5000 years ago.
is an ancient Sumerian cylinder seal showing an Annunaki flying machine.

doesn't end there. Dr. Horn points out that "one of the strongest
exoteric (non-esoteric) pieces of evidence indicating ET visitation and
interaction with human affairs comes from the Dogon tribe of West
Africa. The credibility of the Dogon oral history is greatly enhanced
by the fact that they have knowledge of the heavens that our scientists
have only recently acquired..."
Sound familiar?
of Africa

Dogon have
known for thousands of years that Sirius, the brightest star in the sky,
is a double star system. That is, Sirius A, the main star, is visible to the naked
eye. However, it has a companion known as Sirius B, which orbits Sirius
A and, as a
white dwarf, can only be seen with modern-day telescopes.
Dogon also know that the orbit of Sirius B around the Sirius A
is elliptical rather than circular. We only discovered this recently!
In the
oral history of the Dogon that spans thousands of years, they speak of entities from the vicinity of
Sirius, who visited their ancient ancestors in an airship, and taught
them many things including how to live in harmony with their own divine
Ancient Egyptians
Horn also describes how other civilizations such as the Egyptians had
a deep connection with the star Sirius, and were most likely helped by
ETs from that area of our galaxy. Also, the most important female god of
the ancient Egyptians, Isis, was identified with Sirius.
cornerstone of Mayan beliefs and legends is the book, Popul Vuh.
It contains a creation story of humans, which is similar to that told by
the Sumerians. That is, "creator gods" came down from the heavens and
created mankind to be slaves and serve them. These human-like forms were
called "figures of wood," who were nothing more than poor servants
because they did not possess souls.
It is
also known that
advanced Mayan civilization that we know of seems to have appeared out of the mist some
3,500 years ago in the jungles of Mexico. Interestingly, it was an
elaborately developed culture right from the start. The Mayan artifacts tell us in no uncertain terms that they were master astronomers
with an intimate knowledge of the heavens. How did they get this
and Humanity
is a lot more in Dr. Horn's book that makes a coherent, credible case
for the argument that planet Earth has been visited time and time again
by ETs from other star systems. Some have visited, stayed for a while,
and left. Others have created living things, including human physical
bodies, which resemble their own.
author also makes the case that humanity's real origins come from the
constellation Lyra; specifically from a star system called Vega. From
there our ancestors branched out to other areas of the galaxy,
including the Pleiades. Some of our ancestors made lesser choices and
became aggressive and war-like. Others made Higher choices and are more
spiritually advanced and benevolent.
The net
effect of it all is a constant ongoing battle between good and evil,
whether it is here on this planet or elsewhere. And, when one stops and
thinks about it, that's what makes the universe go round. Without this
struggle between the dark and the Light, we would not have an
opportunity to grow, learn and evolve.
another part of this web site, a page
is dedicated to unexplained artifacts that have been left behind, which
support the argument that Earth has been visited by ETs. And,, that other
visitors and civilizations have existed here millions of years ago. It's
hard to refute this collective evidence, even though the scientific
establishment sweeps it under the rug, as is typically the case when
they can't explain things.
highly recommend you read Dr. Horn's book. Written in the 1990s, it can
be found at
this site and
this one and others. Look for this book cover...
Excerpts from Dr. Horn's book
"However, I have uncovered
evidence that we humans were first 'created' through genetic
engineering, then duped and controlled by alien races of other life
forms, that are not originally of this Earth."
"I wondered for example,
why the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians [5000 years ago] seemed to have
been more advanced in many ways, than the much later Romans and the
Europeans of the Dark Ages [500-1000 years ago].
"Von Daniken suggested
that the ancient astronauts, or extraterrestrials, had somehow given
biological evolution a boost that would allow humans to be able to
maintain a civilization."
"... the book is also the
story of the underhanded conspiracy to keep humankind ignorant of its
origins and existence, especially concerning the spirituality of
"When one considers the
available historical evidence of considerable ET involvement in human
affairs, the scientific view [Darwinism] becomes the most unbelievable,
farfetched, implausible theory of human origins and development ever put
forth by humankind..."
"Could it be that
Darwinism is part of a massive cover-up of the ET influence on
humankind? The answer is yes..."
"Mesopotamian [Iraqi,
eastern Syrian and western Iranian] historical records and other
sources, including esoteric sources, indicate that ETs genetically
engineered modern humans and instigated the rise of civilization."
"We will see that both
positively-oriented and negatively-oriented ETs were involved in
the development of humankind from the beginnings of this Earth, but that
negatively oriented ETs have largely been in control of the Earth for
the past several thousand years."
"The main method
negatively-oriented ETs have employed to keep humankind divided and
controlled is by distorting and hiding spiritual truths."
"The main information the
regressive ETs and their human allies have endeavored to keep from
humans, is that humans are spiritual beings with a tremendous potential
of evolving to more loving, blissful experiences."
"...the good news - that
positively-oriented ETs and other positive entities are trying to help
humans expand their consciousness and spiritual understanding to the
point where we no longer need to play the victim in the
controller-victim game that has been played on Earth for thousands of
"Despite evidence of
considerable ET influence on this planet, during this time of rapid
change, each individual human is ultimately in charge of their own
lives, their own reality, especially their own spiritual evolution."
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